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NEXT TERM 19th SEPT 2024

19th September 2024 : 7:00pm

Online : Zoom

freshinspiration Bible Institute

The bible institute provides a rigorous and in-depth study of God’s word enabling us to skillfully apply the truth of the word of faith in our lives, thereby fulfilling Gods purposes for us here on earth.

Our curriculum is structured, modular and flexible, designed to provide you with the best learning environment to grow individually and spiritually under the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit.
FIBI is chartered by World Outreach Bible School

The classes are Live online via Zoom

Year 1 Modules
Thurs. 7-9:30PM UK

Hermeneutics; Lifestyle of Faith; Holy Spirit 1&2; Bible Doctrines; Blood Covenant; Name of Jesus; Reality of Righteousness; Christ the Healer; Grace, the Power of the Gospel; Gospel of the Kingdom;

YEAR 2 Modules
Thurs. 7-9:30pm uk

Excellence in Ministry; Servant Leadership; Christian Family; Sermon Preparation 1; Sermon Preparation 2 (Practical); New Testament Survey; Book of Acts

Bible Institute
2024/25 TERM DATES

Registration is Open now Click hereTerm 1 : September 3 to December 20Term 2: January 6 to April 4Term 3 : April 22 to July 23

Bible Institute

Margaret Powell House, Midsummer Boulevard,Milton Keynes. MK9 3BN.


FIBI was established in May 2019 with the clear mission to support believers in Jesus Christ to aspire for the calling in 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That is our mission, to help believers change and only live by the truth of the Word of God.

Our curriculum is chartered by the World Outreach Bible School, USA. The institute runs 2 Certificate programmes through two modes of study. Two year part time, The first year leads to award of Certificate in Biblical studies, a prerequisite for year 2, Certificate in Ministry Foundation or flexible modular study, which the learners studies at own pace and is awarded the certification on completion of all required module for their studies.

We engage the communities through our missions and evangelism projects both locally and internationally. The students ran a UniMissions project and F.A.I.T.H virtual concert during the lockdown as part of their learning, this practical evangelism witnessed to over 100 students at Hertfordshire University and close to 200 viewers on Zoom respectively and thousands more on Facebook.

Our aspiration is to disciple as many as come our way in the Word of truth. We are open to all believers in Jesus Christ.

Year 1 2024/25 Module 1 –
Thursday 19th September @ 7:30pm UK Time.
Want to know more about the Bible Institute?
Drop us a line if you require additional information or you have a question.
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